


Millennial ReignMillennial Reign is the last book in the quadrilogy. It is written in five parts and spans a breathtaking 1000 years. It begins with the return of Christ and the destruction of the man of lawlessness and the false prophet, along with the incarceration of the devil and his demons. Part two tells of the establishment of Jesus’ government on earth. Some people will readily embrace Jesus’ government and others will still hold to their own righteousness. However, His kingdom of peace will be established for 1000 years. Part three is set towards the end of the millennial reign as the rumblings of lawlessness begin to be felt again. Part four describes Satan’s release and his plan to once and for all bring the world to himself in rebellion against God and His Christ (Messiah). Part five speaks of the battle prepared at Armageddon: the rebellious under Satan’s direct leadership surround Jerusalem though Jesus can defeat them with a word. The offer of life is still being held out. Christ the King brings the age to a close.


The Little Horn is the third book in the Millennial Reign quadrilogy. Set in the further future after the murder of the two witnesses, the man of lawlessness has assumed power over the whole world. Despite the utopia he promised misery, destruction and pestilence is everywhere. The problems of the world are levelled at the followers of Jesus and a holocaust of Christians ensues. As a result of the slaughter of God’s children the intercession they offered up toward God on behalf of a disbelieving and rebellious world is virtually silenced and so God’s wrath is poured out upon them. A small number of God’s children have survived and are in hiding under God’s protection. They rejoice when they see the sign of their returning king appear in the sky. However, for the anti-Christ and the people of the world the sign is terrifying.


Two Witnesses is the second book in the Millennial Reign quadrilogy. The story is set in the near future. God miraculously releases the two witnesses (Rev 11:1-13) who were being held captive and they begin their ministry in Jerusalem as the man of lawlessness begins to take hold his power over the world. Joseph a Gentile, and Eli a Jew are one in Christ as they tell the world what the gagged church needed to say in order to fulfil Jesus’ command to His church. For three and a half years they preach the truth of the kingdom of God. The people of the world will regard their testimony as torment and will rejoice at their deaths. Their end sets the stage for the man of lawlessness to assume power over the whole world bringing people to their knees before Satan.



The Boy Prophet is the first book in the Millennial Reign quadrilogy. This series of end time novels is written as a retelling of the events that took place over a thousand year period just before the final judgement of all people.

The Boy Prophet is set in the present and tells the story of a young boy, Joseph, who wrestles with the confusion he experiences as he intuitively perceives the truth and deception around him, particularly in the church. Truth is his bulwark and he struggles to be at peace with the adults in his life who proclaim be holders of the truth but seem to not want to hear it—especially from him. He is similar to the young Samuel or Jeremiah whom God called from an early age.

Through a series of divinely ordained events Joseph is involved with the rising and falling of many and finds himself in trouble with church and government authorities at the cusp of the revealing of the man of lawlessness (the anti-Christ).


*JUST RELEASED*   Not My Will – If we believe something to be true, we will make every reasonable effort to act according to that belief. That is the very reason for this book. The belief is that Jesus is the Christ, the One who will return and restore the earth where peace and prosperity can thrive. It would be a process of which no human mind would conceive and faith in it would be more valuable than gold. To that end Jesus commanded His followers to tell all the people of the world His message of hope founded in the kingdom of God. Not My Will is written as an integral part of that commission. It tells what God wants all people to know, to understand at least what He is offering in the hope that some will accept His invitation. It also acknowledges that the institutions of the church have often failed to live up to their stated high calling.

Not My Will is founded on four constituent parts which are necessary for understanding God and the redemption He offers humanity. Firstly, the essential components of belief and what the Bible teaches people to have faith in is discussed. Secondly, the things people are to know or understand as a result of those beliefs, and how this present age will come to a close is outlined to help form a biblical worldview. Thirdly, the transformative power that exists in the Gospel is explored. Fourthly, the nature of the Christian life built upon our beliefs, knowledge and transformation is examined. There is much more that could be said, but this is a comprehensive start for anyone who wants to know God and what He is requiring of people before this present age draws to a close.

It is an ideal book to give to people who are seeking to understand the Gospel message or from Jesus’ commissions’ perspective what they need to know. It is not written as a typical evangelistic text, it does not ‘dumb down’ Christianity, but assumes the reader’s ability to reason and critique. There is no attempt to market the Gospel, but to do as Jesus did and clearly state the inescapable cost that comes with the decisions that we make in this life for this life and the next.


No Other Name follows on from Salvation and is the basic ‘nuts and bolts’ of following Jesus. It is written in four parts, firstly the things that a new believer needs to believe about God and the nature of Christian life (and death). Belief or faith is the basis of how the follower of Jesus lives, therefore that belief needs to be founded on Scriptural principles.

Secondly, No Other Name discusses what a follower of Jesus is to know or understand founded upon their belief and trust in God through Christ. We can only know of God as He reveals Himself to us and the Holy Scriptures are our authoritative guide that God has given. Thus, what is taught in this book comes from the perspective of sitting underneath the authority of God’s word.

Christianity, unlike any other religion is transformative. It is the express purpose of God that followers of Jesus become like our Saviour resulting from the new birth. The third module of this book discusses how disciples are to transform into the image of Christ that we might, like Jesus, be true sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.

Followers of Jesus are called to be salt and light in the world. Therefore, new disciples (and older Christian too) need to understand how to bear the light and love of God to a world of people who largely reject God and His salvation as they live under the dominion of the devil. This section will help the follower of Jesus to live a victorious life pleasing to God so that they may pass through Judgement and hear the words, ‘Well done my good and faithful servant, enter into your master’s happiness’.

A teaching manual is available in order for this material to be taught to groups.


Salvation: The things you were probably not told. The central focus of God to which the Holy Scriptures attest is salvation. God who will bring this age to a close will do so at the appointed time and all who are appointed unto salvation will have come in. It is the church’s mission to present to the world the good news of the kingdom and to teach all who believe how to obey all that Jesus commanded. Salvation explains God’s purpose in redeeming people—how and why. It also discusses what it means to be a child of God in a God denying world, encouraging the reader to move beyond mere mental assent and to live according to the convictions of their faith in Christ—in other words how to be a disciple of Jesus…the things that most church goes ought to be told, but often are not.


Everyone Believes. People are fashioned by their belief systems, yet there is a notion that belief is solely for the realm of the religious. However, everyone believes—all people have beliefs about origin, existence and death which cannot be empirically proven. Paradoxically in order to counter the faith argument some people will say, ‘I believe the science’, seemingly oblivious to their own faith statement. Everyone Believes is an argument for belief and why it is that not all beliefs are equal. We fear people who believe differently to us and our beliefs about money and our means for survival predicate our beliefs about war. There has to be a better way. Jesus explained that better way, yet ironically, His people are divided by their common belief. This is one of the many contradictions people live with as we contend with the fragile nature of human life. In an interesting twist of logic, human survival would be more miraculous without the Creator God. Join the author in a discussion on belief and this apologetic for the Christian faith and the often ill-considered all pervasive nature of belief.


Epistles in a Nutshell is written in two parts. Firstly, there is a brief discussion on the nature of the biblical epistles and biography of each epistle writer. Secondly, each epistle is summarised in one sentence by book, chapter, and idea. A table is presented with each epistle detailing the historical setting and essential issues. This is a helpful tool for pastors, Bible students and Bible readers alike who want to get to the heart of what God is saying through His servants.


How The Righteous Suffer is a commentary on the book of Job. It is designed to be read alongside the book of Job with the selected section of the biblical text being read and then the commentary. A short one sentence summary is given for each section after the prologue (chapters 1 & 2) to give the reader a snapshot of the point that each speaker is making and then a longer explanation.

Suffering of some kind is experienced by all people, and most of us ask why. The book of Job gives no definitive reason for personal suffering and the common assertions given as explanation by Job’s friends are rejected. How The Righteous Suffer speaks to how people are to live in their suffering before God. As Job finally found comfort from God it is hoped that the reader will also find the comfort God offers those who suffer.


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